Company Contact

A company in CRM holds comprehensive details about a business, which may be a client, supplier, or partner. Store your supplier information in the Companies section to keep all communication history centralized. For those in the B2B sector, ensure all clients are also included in this section.

Company (Organization) list

The list of companies contains basic information.

You can use the search bar to find the company you need by name, phone number, email address.

How to work with companies

Click the Create button to add a new company and specify all information in the form.


The company form is divided into two sections: company information and connections to other CRM elements and planned activities.

Add a new organization to CRM

A company can be added as an independent element, ideal for saving contact information when a potential client visits your office. Provide contact details such as phone, email, website, and messengers.

In the Contact field, enter company details, noting that there may be multiple contacts for the company. Add the address, which can be chosen from a list or a map.

The next step is to fill in the company details after completing the basic information.


In the Details field, you can add full company name, VAT ID, bank details and other data. Later you will be able to use the entered details to create a payment document or a contract for services.

Additional Information

In the More section, indicate the number of employees and leave a comment, if required.

The Available to anyone option allows other employees to work with the company.